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1467 Bison Trilogy by Michael Swearngin
1982 Tennessee Conservation Print by Charles Frace
1989 Kentucky Duck Stamp Print by Phillip Crowe
A Call to the Rivals by Edward Aldrich
A Meeting of Heavyweights by Kyle Sims
A Moment in Time - detail
A Moment in Time by Nancy Glazier
A Moments Rest by Charles Frace
A Pair of Bears by Mary Roberson
A Radiant Moment by Charles Frace
A Sunny Spot (Margay) by Charles Frace
A Touch of Red by Charles Frace
A Tricky Descent by Matthew Hillier
A Vantage Point by Julia Rogers
Above the Falls by Terry Lee
Abundance by Mary Roberson
African Leopard (Vignette) by Charles Frace
African Leopard by Charles Frace
African Leopard Cub by Charles Frace
African Lion by Charles Frace
Agitated Elk by Mary Roberson
Alaskan Autumn (Grizzly Bear) by Charles Frace
Alaskan Friend (Arctic Fox) by Charles Frace
Alaskan Monarch by Judi Rideout
Alert by Morten E. Solberg
Almost Morning by Ed Anderson
Amazing Grays III - detail by Nancy Glazier
Ambassadors by Charles Frace
American Buffalo by Robert Dawson
American Buffalo in the Dust by Robert Dawson
American Cougar by Charles Frace
American Eagle by Charles Frace
American Grizzly by Robert Dawson
American Monarch (American Cougar) by Charles Frace
American Pride by Nancy Glazier
Anhinga by James Brown
Antlers and Brothers by Amy Lay
Appaloosas In the Mist by Robert Dawson
Ascent at Dawn by Larry Dyke
At Sunrise by Robert Dawson
At the Edge of the Wallowa Lake by Robert Dawson
Autumn Challenge by Morten E. Solberg
Autumn Vigil by Edward Aldrich
Babe in the Woods Triptych by Robert Dawson
Baby Raccoon by James Brown
Baby Raccoon by James Brown
Baby Snow Leopard by Charles Frace
Backlit Beauty by Nancy Glazier
Bad Water Bear by Morten E. Solberg
Bald Magpie by James Brown
Bandit (Raccoon) by Charles Frace
Barn Owl by Charles Frace
Barred Owls by James Brown
Bear Family by James Brown
Bear in Mind by Mary Roberson
Bearably Cool Water by Dustin Van Wechel
Bengal Tiger by Charles Frace
Better Days by Robert Dawson
Big Boss by Nancy Glazier
Big Horn Sheep by Robert Dawson
Bighorn Country by Charles Frace
Bison Battle by Robert Dawson
Bison by Charles Frace
Black Bear Cub by Mary Roberson
Black Jaguar by Charles Frace
Black Jaguar-Panthera Onca by Charles Frace
Black Leopard by Charles Frace
Black Leopard-Panthera Pardus by Charles Frace
Blue Bird on Ice by James Brown
Bluejay and Shovel by James Brown
Briar Patch by Nancy Glazier
Brown Pelicans by James Brown
Buffalo Guardian by Robert Dawson
Buffalo Valley by Nancy Glazier
Bugle Once by Ed Anderson
Bulging Bull Elk by James Brown
Bulging Elk by James Brown
Bull Elk by James Brown
Bull Elk II by James Brown
Bull in the Smoke Thicket by Amy Lay
Busy and Bright by Edward Aldrich
California Quail by Morten E. Solberg
Call of the Wild by Robert Dawson
Calm and Free by Robert Peters
Canadian Lynx by Charles Frace
Cardinal on a Shovel by James Brown
Cattle Egrets by James Brown
Causing a Stir by Edward Aldrich
Challenge of the Wind by Morten E. Solberg
Cheetah by Charles Frace
Cheetah Kitten by Charles Frace
Chinese Treasure by Charles Frace
Choir Practice by Mary Roberson
Companions by Charles Frace
Confetti Rooster by Larry Dyke
Cougar by Charles Frace
Cougar Cub by Charles Frace
Coyote by James Brown
Crimson Wind Wolf by Amy Lay
Cub by Mary Roberson
Cub Scout by Edward Aldrich
Dark Waters by Morten E. Solberg
Daylight Express by Phillip Crowe
Deceptive Calm by Morten E. Solberg
Deep Cover by Terry Lee
Double Trouble by Charles Frace
East Fork Elk by Mary Roberson
Echoes of Eden by Dustin Van Wechel
Elephants at Kilimanjaro by Charles Frace
Elk Bugle by Ed Anderson
Elk by James Brown
Elk Gray Bugle by Ed Anderson
Elk in the Smokies by Jason Clemmons
Elk Ridge by Nancy Glazier
Evening Light by Nancy Glazier
Evening Preparations by Kyle Sims
Eye of the Storm by Nancy Glazier
Faced with Nature by Mary Roberson
Family Ties by Charles Frace
Farewell to Fall II by Nancy Glazier
First Light by Charles Frace
First Light by Phillip Crowe
First Strike by Charles Frace
Flyin' High by Nancy Glazier
Follow the Leader by Matthew Hillier
Fox on the Run by Edward Aldrich
Frankly My Dear by Phillip Crowe
Freedom by Charles Frace
Fresh Air - detail by Nancy Glazier
Fresh Start by Charles Frace
From the Mountain Top by Mary Roberson
From the Woods by Terry Lee
Full Moon Ride by Robert Dawson
Full Throttle by Kyle Sims
Gentle Waters by Morten E. Solberg
Giant Panda by Charles Frace
Golden Eagle by Charles Frace
Golden Vista by Larry Dyke
Gray Ghost by Charles Frace
Gray Ghost by Edward Aldrich
Great Plains Buffalo by Robert Dawson
Great Plains Buffalo Sepia by Robert Dawson
Greater Kudu by Charles Frace
Green Timber Mallards by Phillip Crowe
Green Violet Ear Hummingbird by James Brown
Greenwood Traffic Jam by Phillip Crowe
Grizzlies in the Sun by Mary Roberson
Grizzly Bear by James Brown
Grizzly by James Brown
Grizzly Cub 1 by James Brown
Grizzly Cub 2 by James Brown
Grizzly Family by James Brown
Guardian of the North by Phillip Crowe
Gyrfalcon by Charles Frace
Handsome Hunter by Morten E. Solberg
Harlan's Hawk by Charles Frace
Hearts Afire by Nancy Glazier
Hello Black Bear by James Brown
Her Formidable Side by Amy Lay
Herring Gull by Charles Frace
Hey wait, Where Ya Goin'? by Mary Roberson
Hi by Mary Roberson
Hi Notes by Nancy Glazier
Hideaway by Charles Frace
High Country by Nancy Glazier
High Country Elk by Morten E. Solberg
High Ground by Nancy Glazier
High Plains Drifters by Robert Dawson
Himalayan Prince by Charles Frace
His Domain by Charles Frace
His Territory by Edward Aldrich
Hollow Bones by Cody Kuehl
Homeward Bound by Phillip Crowe
Huckleberry Heaven by Kyle Sims
Hudson Heavyweights by Nancy Glazier
Hunter's Gaze by Edward Aldrich
Hunter's Moon by Nancy Glazier
Hunting in Snow by James Brown
I Didn't Scratch the Tree by Mary Roberson
Icons of the West by Robert Peters
If You Watch a Bear for a While by Mary Roberson
If You Watch the Ravens for A While by Mary Roberson
Impala by Charles Frace
In the Middle of Things by Kyle Sims
In the Realm of the Gods by Robert Dawson
In the Shadows of the Almighty by Jack Terry
Innocent by Morten E. Solberg
Intent by Edward Aldrich
Into the Gorge by Kyle Sims
Into the Light by Matthew Hillier
Into the Wind - Sketch by Morten E. Solberg
Into the Wind by Morten E. Solberg
Islands of White by Edward Aldrich
It's a Zoo in There! by Michael Dudash
Jaguar by Charles Frace
Journey to the Wintering Grounds by Morten E. Solberg
King of the Hill by Larry Dyke
King's Favorite by Charles Frace
Kinship by Charles Frace
Late Summer Morning by Robert Dawson
Lion Cub by Charles Frace
Lion's Lair by Edward Aldrich
Little Dog's Deer by Bradley Schmehl
Locking Horns by Robert Dawson
Lofty Horizon by Larry Dyke
Lofty View by Charles Frace
Lone Hunter by Charles Frace
Lovable Duo by Jason Clemmons
Lucky Number by Nancy Glazier
Lynx Light by Nancy Glazier
Magnum Force by Phillip Crowe
Majesty by Charles Frace
Masai Giraffes by Charles Frace
Master of Prowlin' by Edward Aldrich
Messengers of Hope by Charles Frace
Mighty Warrior by Charles Frace
Mississippi Wildlife Federation Conservation Stamp Print by Charles Frace
Misty Morn - detail
Misty Morn by Nancy Glazier
Mom and Baby Raccoon by James Brown
Moonstruck by Terry Lee
Moose at First Morning Light by Morten E. Solberg
Moose by James Brown
Moose by Terry Lee
Moose Thinking About It by Mary Roberson
Morning by Nancy Glazier
Morning Calm by Charles Frace
Morning Flight by Morten E. Solberg
Morning Frost by Nancy Glazier
Morning Gold by Nancy Glazier
Morning in The Tetons by Robert Dawson
Morning Magic by Nancy Glazier
Morning Muley by Robert Dawson
Morning Playtime by James Brown
Morning Roundup by Morten E. Solberg
Morning Watch by Charles Frace
Morning Watch by Larry Dyke
Mountain Gem Female by James Brown
Mountain Gem Male by James Brown
Mountain Vista by Morten E. Solberg
Mule Deer by Patty Pendergast
Mulies by Mary Roberson
My Friend by Charles Frace
Mystic Realm by Charles Frace
Nature's Dawn by Charles Frace
Nature's Window by Charles Frace
Nectar Delight by Edward Aldrich
New Arrival by Charles Frace
Nobility by Mary Roberson
Nomad of the Ice by Morten E. Solberg
Northern Goshawk by Charles Frace
Northern Social by Kyle Sims
Nuthatch by James Brown
Ohio Buck by James Brown
Old Colonial by Matthew Hillier
On the Lookout by Robert Dawson
On Watch by Charles Frace
Once in a Lifetime by Phillip Crowe
Out for Lunch by Nancy Glazier
Out on a Limb by Charles Frace
Pals (Wolf Pups) by Charles Frace
Peace and Not So Quiet by Dustin Van Wechel
Peace on Earth by Nancy Glazier
Peace on Ice by Charles Frace
Pelican by James Brown
Playmates by Charles Frace
Polar Bears by Charles Frace
Portrait of Power by Edward Aldrich
Power Landing by Nancy Glazier
Power of the Serengeti by Charles Frace
Powerful Presence by Charles Frace
Prelude by Nancy Glazier
Pronghorn by Charles Frace
Quiet Time in Samburu by Charles Frace
R & R by Mary Roberson
Raccoons by Charles Frace
Racoon by James Brown
Ready for Adventure by Charles Frace
Recess by Charles Frace
Red Fox by James Brown
Red Rascal by Charles Frace
Reflections by Charles Frace
Restless - detail by Nancy Glazier
Restless by Nancy Glazier
Rimlit Red by Nancy Glazier
River of Grass by Matthew Hillier
Rocky Mountain Meadow - detail by Nancy Glazier
Rocky Mountain Meadow by Nancy Glazier
Rolling Thunder by Nancy Glazier
Roseate Spoonbill by James Brown
Rough Night by Larry Dyke
Royal Bengal by Charles Frace
Royal Pride by Charles Frace
Rufus Always Liked His Profile by Mary Roberson
Safe Return by Charles Frace
Secret Heights by Charles Frace
Secrets of the Forest by Bradley Schmehl
Shadow Tales by Nancy Glazier
Shadow Time by Nancy Glazier
Shasta by Charles Frace
Shed Door Fox by Nancy Glazier
Siberian Tiger by Charles Frace
Siberian Tiger by Edward Aldrich
Snow Hunters by Phillip Crowe
Snow King by Nancy Glazier
Snow Leopard (Fleeting Encounter) by Charles Frace
Snowy Egret by James Brown
Snowy Refuge by Phillip Crowe
Social Hour by Kyle Sims
Solitude by Charles Frace
Some Guys Have All the Luck by Kyle Sims
Spring Break by Nancy Glazier
Spring Loaded by Kyle Sims
Standing Watch by Edward Aldrich
Starlight on the Mountain by Amy Lay
Starlight Sentry by Nancy Glazier
Stormy by Nancy Glazier
Summer Rumble by Kyle Sims
Summer Spoils by Dustin Van Wechel
Sundown by Nancy Glazier
Surprise by Charles Frace
Take This Moose by Mary Roberson
Taking a Break by Charles Frace
Teton Bison by Terry Lee
The American Wildlife Image by Charles Frace
The Challenge by Edward Aldrich
The Challenger by Charles Frace
The Chase Triptych by Ed Anderson
The Chase/The Quest by Charles Frace
The Cinnamon Bear by Nancy Glazier
The Club Pro by Phillip Crowe
The Crimson Bull by Amy Lay
The Crossing by Matthew Hillier
The Duck Hunters by Phillip Crowe
The Elders by Robert Dawson
The Fisherman by Nancy Glazier
The Gathering Place by Nancy Glazier
The Grey Wind Fox by Amy Lay
The Guardian by Bradley Schemhl
The Hidden Valley by Nancy Glazier
The Lesson by Charles Frace
The Melodramatics of September by Kyle Sims
The Outlook by Nancy Glazier
The Passersby by Dustin Van Wechel
The Plainsman by Mary Roberson
The Sisters Three by Amy Lay
The Stag and the Steller's Jays by Amy Lay
The Wanderer by Charles Frace
There's a Bear in There! by Mary Roberson
Three Cheers for the Ears by Mary Roberson
Three of a Kind by Charles Frace
Time Out by Judi Rideout
Treasures of Africa by Charles Frace
Treasures of the Sea by Charles Frace
Trouble Brewin' by Edward Aldrich
Turkey in the Cades Cove by Jason Clemmons
Twisted Timber by Dustin Van Wechel
Undercover by Charles Frace
Undivided Attention by Charles Frace
Uno (Florida Panther Cub) by Charles Frace
Unrivaled by Charles Frace
Upwind by Bradley Schmehl
Very Young Fawn by James Brown
Waiting for the Salmon by Morten E. Solberg
Wake Up Call by Nancy Glazier
Warm Light, Cool Shadows by Matthew Hillier
Watchful by Charles Frace
Water World - detail by Nancy Glazier
Water World by Nancy Glazier
Wayfarers by Charles Frace
Western Nobleman by Edward Aldrich
Western Skies by Nancy Glazier
What the Cranes Told Me by Amy Lay
When the Dance Ends by Kyle Sims
Where Eagles Fly by Robert Dawson
White Tiger Cubs by Charles Frace
Wilderness Family by Larry Dyke
Wings over America by Charles Frace
Winter Fox by Nancy Glazier
Winter Scouts by Charles Frace
Woodland Stream by Morten E. Solberg
Yellow Warbler by James Brown
You Look'n At Me by Terry Lee
Young Black Bear by James Brown
Young Cougar Cub by Charles Frace
Young Explorer by Charles Frace
Young Great Horned Owl by James Brown
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 387 Items in Wildlife
American Grizzly
by Robert Dawson
Appaloosas In the Mist
by Robert Dawson
At the Edge of the Wallowa Lake
by Robert Dawson
Better Days
by Robert Dawson
Bison Battle
by Robert Dawson
Full Moon Ride
by Robert Dawson
Locking Horns
by Robert Dawson
Morning in The Tetons
by Robert Dawson
Great Plains Buffalo Sepia
by Robert Dawson
From the Woods
by Terry Lee
At Sunrise
by Robert Dawson
Yellow Warbler
by James Brown
American Buffalo in the Dust
by Robert Dawson
Great Plains Buffalo
by Robert Dawson
Late Summer Morning
by Robert Dawson
On the Lookout
by Robert Dawson
High Plains Drifters
by Robert Dawson
The Stag and the Steller's Jays
by Amy Lay
1467 Bison Trilogy
by Michael Swearngin
by Edward Aldrich
Lovable Duo
by Jason Clemmons
Turkey in the Cades Cove
by Jason Clemmons
Call of the Wild
by Robert Dawson
Above the Falls
by Terry Lee
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