Displaying: 1 - 15 of 15 Items by
Robert E. Lee
by Bradley Schmehl
Taking the Oath
by Bradley Schmehl
by Bradley Schmehl
Press Forward, Men
by Bradley Schmehl
The Grim Harvest of War - The Valley Campaign
by Bradley Schmehl
Forrest Takes a Hostage - War in the West
by Bradley Schmehl
Tigers to the Rescue - The Valley Campaign
by Bradley Schmehl
The Prince and the Professor - The Valley Campaign
by Bradley Schmehl
Reconnaissance at McDowell - The Valley Campaign
by Bradley Schmehl
We Gained Nothing But Glory - Gettysburg
by Bradley Schmehl
Devil's Den - Gettysburg
by Bradley Schmehl
Collapse of the Peach Orchard Line - Gettysburg
by Bradley Schmehl
Bedlam In The Brickyard - Gettysburg
by Bradley Schmehl
Lee Deliberates Heth's Advance - Gettysburg
by Bradley Schmehl
The Death of Reynolds - Gettysburg
by Bradley Schmehl